Plans. I got plans.

January – Celebrate the year with good friends, and close the chapter on Echo Run. It’s been an insane 7 years, but it’s time to let go of a huge piece of the past and start writing a new story. Time to move on from this place, and I hope I’m lucky enough to keep the friendships, brotherhood, and ties made this past few years.

February – New York. Heading in solo. Maybe just a month, maybe longer. I want to stay long enough to grow, explore, fail, learn, perhaps love, laugh, and maybe, if I’m lucky with timing, succeed and create a new rhythm of life for me. The fear right now is abstract, but I must remember that my biggest enemy lies in letting the fear of rejection or even pride paralyze me into a deep void.

I might go mostly offline during this period while I focus in, or perhaps decide to do a web project dedicated to the entire experience. I’m not sure yet.

March… March of the Sanguine? This story here will depend largely on February, but I do have a few ideas if I do end up back in California this month.

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